12 facts your travel insurer might not tell you...

Posted on 04 September 2020

The insurance buying process is often streamlined to make it easier and quicker for you to take out cover. But some important facts can get lost in the columns of text that comprise your policy document. Here we reveal some of the lesser-known things travel insurers don't always make crystal clear...

  1. Annual policies makes sense for 2 trips or more per year

It's almost always cheaper to buy an annual policy (rather than single trip products) if you plan to take two or more trips in a year.

  1. Beware alcohol blood tests following accidents & unwanted events

Insurers take a dim view of those who have been drinking alcohol when a potentially claimable incident takes place - for example, injuries sustained after drinking. Naturally, many people do enjoy a drink or two while overseas, but it's important to stay in control and be aware of the fact your insurer may request you to do a breathalyser test in some circumstances.

  1. Travel cover starts before you actually travel - so buy it now

If you've booked a holiday in three months' time, don't wait until the last minute. Get covered now, and you'll be able to make a claim if you need to cancel for any reason.

  1. List all medical conditions, or you could get caught out

Failing to declare even a minor medical condition could lead to the invalidation of your policy, so do make sure you give your insurer the full picture.

  1. Make sure you're not taken to a private hospital

Many insurers require you to use state-run hospitals - and will only let you use a private service if it's absolutely necessary - e.g. it's closer than a state facility. If you get treated in a private hospital without the consent of your insurer, you could be looking at a bill that could take you years to pay off.

  1. You'll probably need extra gadget cover

Many insurers don't include cover for the loss of laptops, mobiles and e-readers; you'll need an add-on policy for these.

  1. Make sure your EHIC is up to date

All travellers should have a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) for European trips. This assures you access to local medical care for what a local citizen pays - and of course many health systems are free to their citizens.

  1. Valid annual cover means you're covered for an unwanted event now, even if your travel plans will take place once your insurance runs out

For example, you book your holiday in August, but won't travel until Christmas time. If your annual cover runs out in October, but you have to cancel before this, you'll still be covered for this cancellation - even though your actual trip would have taken place AFTER the cover has run out.

  1. But make sure you have travel insurance too

Travel covers you for a great deal more than reciprocal medical care: repatriation, luggage loss, theft of money/cards, cancellations - and much, much more.

  1. Older travellers don't need to pay exorbitant premiums

Because older travelers are viewed as higher risk by insurers, premiums can be high. But don't take the first quote you're offered: shop around, because much better deals are available.

  1. For Spain trips, make sure your European policy actually covers Spain

Strange but true: a minority of providers offer European travel insurance that DOES NOT include Spain and the Balearics. Conversely, some European policies actually cover you from trips to Tunisia and some other North African destinations. Double-check you have the right cover if you're heading to Spain or its islands.

  1. You could be prosecuted if you don't tell the truth on a claim

Honesty is always the best policy when making a claim; avoid claims firms that encourage you to exaggerate the truth. Fraudulent claims are taken very seriously by the police.

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