The Food and Drink You Should Avoid Before a Flight

Posted on Thursday, 17 May 2018

There's a certain jollity that precedes a holiday. It can inspire throwing caution to the wind as regards food and drink - particularly before and during a flight. But consuming the wrong things could make for an uncomfortable start to your getaway.

Here are nine types of food and drink you might want to stay away from before your next holiday.


For many, ordering a beer or wine during a flight is part-and-parcel of that holiday feeling. But alcohol can dehydrate you in any situation and is made worse in the aircraft cabin because the air is drier than outside. Keep the alcohol to a minimum, or better still, save that beer or cocktail for your destination.


Coffee does have a mild diuretic effect, which can contribute towards dehydration. But the real issue with 'morning joe' is that it disrupts your natural body clock, making it harder to go to sleep on the plane. That said, consuming a couple of espressos when flying west across time zones might help with jet-lag; the opposite is true if you're flying east.

Chewing gum and sweets

The constant chewing and sucking of these treats results in additional air being swallowed, which can create a build up of gas - not pleasant in a confined space like a plane. But gum and sweets containing sorbitol (a sugar alternative) can mean digestion problems in your lower intestines, resulting in stomach issues for some, especially those with irritable bowel syndrome.

Carbonated drinks

All that gas has to go somewhere - and can result in discomfort before it does. Stick to good old water instead.

Certain fruits

Some fruits contain sorbitol, which as mentioned can play havoc with your digestive system. It can have a laxative effect and may well produce excess gas. Among fruits to avoid are apples, pears, peaches and prunes.

Dairy-based items

Dairy features a sugar called lactose, which, since it is difficult to digest, has a tendency to lie in one's stomach and cause discomfort.

Cruciferous vegetables and beans

Health professionals often vaunt the benefits of foods like broccoli and beans, but on a 13-hour flight they can create a lot of gas - gas which is taken in by the air-conditioning system and re-circulated around the cabin. Instead, consume these kinds of healthy items once you've landed.

Packaged nuts and other salty snacks

They're delicious and airlines often hand them out for free - but such sodium-laden nibbles can result in water retention and thus dehydration. A lack of water can make digestion more difficult, resulting in bloating.

Garlic and onions

Ordinarily, garlic and onions are delicious ingredients in any savoury meal, but when consumed before a flight they can cause a real stink. As well as giving you bad breath, they are absorbed into our lungs and bloodstream after digestion, giving us an unpleasant fug. Also worth avoiding are certain oils, including hydrogenated fats, which are challenging for our bodies to digest. They may result in uncontrolled gaseous escapes - which can mar the start of anyone's holiday.

Should you avoid food altogether?

While it might seem a little drastic, embarking on a fast before your flight could offer a number of benefits. As well as a clear digestive tract (resulting in few, if any, gaseous releases), it will give your organs time to detox. But best of all, enjoying a meal after your fast once you land could help your body clock adjust more quickly. While light is the main issue for your body clock, food is its second master. Learn more from this Harvard study.

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