10 Inspiring Reasons to Consider a Solo Trip

Posted on Wednesday, 3 May 2017

"Don't you get lonely?" – it's a query proffered by the more direct, the more audacious; the ones who came with friends or family – or perhaps even their annoying cousin – in order to avoid being by themselves on their trip. They prod you with the question as you sit alone in the hotel lounge with your guidebook, or across the breakfast table as you tackle your solitary boiled egg.

Taking a holiday or any sort of recreational trip alone verges on the taboo in some people's heads. But it doesn't have to be that way. So you want to visit Rome in springtime but you can't find anyone to go with? Why should that impede your freedom to explore your planet?

Here we offer up 10 inspiring reasons to think about going it alone on your next trip...

  1. It's OK to dine alone

For the uninitiated, this can be an excruciating experience. But on holiday, you'll often see plenty of solo diners about and it's not as if you'll be spotted by anyone you know. You're free to choose where to eat and you won't be guilt-tripped for ordering that Black Forest Gateaux.

  1. The world is pretty safe

Of course, it pays to be careful – but not to the point where your freedom is inhibited. As long as you're sensible and don't go wandering around strange neighbourhoods in the wee small hours, most destinations are very safe. In short, there is very little reason to be afraid of travelling solo.

  1. You're more liable to get a free upgrade

Most of us will only ever travel in economy class – but if you fly solo your chances of getting a free upgrade will be much better than if you're with a group.

  1. You can change your mind quickly

Unless you're very headstrong, travelling as a group can mean you get sucked into all manner of day-trips and activities that you are not 100% up for. But as a solo traveller you will only ever do what you want to do – so you can back out of that bungee-jump on a whim.

  1. It's not something to "grow out of"

There's nothing wrong with a solo trip – it's not something unwholesome that you need to grow out of (as some relatives might suggest). Solo travel is on the rise – just ask Google. So in a sense you're not actually alone at all.

  1. Some people don't get it – and that's OK

It's easiest to accept that some people just don't ‘get' solo adventuring. That's OK. It's also OK for them to prefer group travel.

  1. Asking for help is par for the course

From help with luggage to locating the nearest railway station, there will be times when you need assistance from your fellow man. Such instances reinforce your independence, rather than degrade it.

  1. There are companies out there to help

Travelling by yourself doesn't mean you need to organise everything by yourself. There are numerous reputable firms that specialise in solo trips. These cover everything from outdoor activities to temple-bagging in Asia. They can be a good way to meet like-minded single travellers, without the strings, balls-and-chains etc.

  1. Greater social possibilities

If you travel with a lover, a friend, or a family member, it's much harder to say 'yes' to that impromptu coffee or dinner invitation; it's not so easy to enjoy a moonlit tryst with that attractive waiter/waitress. Couch surfing is also much simpler when you travel alone. In general, meeting others is simpler, more direct and unfettered by your annoying cousin, or that friend who turns out to hate being abroad.

  1. Work on your bucket list

Do you have a particular dream destination or activity in your sights? Have you been put off because no-one wants to go with you? It's fine for others not to share your interests, but preventing yourself from accomplishing your ambitions through fear of travelling alone is not. Life is short. Go to it!

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